Knowing yourself ensures success when building a business
Haaga-Helia Julkaisutoiminta 15.2.2018

“Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love.” Mark Cuban, billionaire and serial entrepreneur.

Is there some kind of madness or obsession what drives people to start a company? Probably you would say yes, if you think about great entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney or Henry Ford. They were stubborn, self-confident, and well known for being very difficult, but they made difference because they had vision and they had drive. They had a vision of something new or different.

So, how to see something that nobody else can see?

It’s about knowing yourself. Trusting yourself. Believing yourself and hard work. As an entrepreneur, you need to know what you can do and what you cannot do. When you know what drives you, your motivation, your passion, and strength, you can use the best of yourself. Of course, you also need to know your limits and that is which help you identify and find right team, to complete you, and to take your idea from good to great.

When you learn more about yourself, it makes you confident. When you believe in yourself, everybody else believes in you well. It is important when you are building your business. It is the way to convince your team, your investors, and your market. It arms you to take on your doubters.

When you are confident, it is also easier to be authentic and genuine. Most importantly, it is to be honest to yourself. Do not cheat yourself because others can see that or and you will lose your credibility.

Haaga-Helia StartUp School offers opportunities for analysing yourself, learn and practice entrepreneurial mind-set and competences like self-management, self-confident and independence as well as developing business idea further and test and pitch it to the other entrepreneurs, mentors and investors.

Everyday life will become a dream come true when you have motivation what you do, when you find your passion is right there on your desk, when you can believe your work adds value, and you can utilise your strengths. Do what you love. That’s the seed for your success.


Päivi Williams is Service Design Lead of StartUp School. She leads and develops StartUp School’s offering and coach network. She experiments new pedagogical ideas in StartUp School and is enthusiastic about modern functional teaching methods.

StartUp School course Find Your Strengths helps you learn more about you, your values, motivation, strengths and passion. Check StartUp Schools’ offering



Haaga-Helia Julkaisutoiminta

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