General terms and conditions
The publisher and content provider of e-Signals is Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. The materials are published by Haaga-Helia.
The purpose of e-Signals is to showcase the expertise at Haaga-Helia and support the institution’s education, research and innovation activities, communications and marketing. The service will not be used to publish commercial, political, ideological or religious content. The published content supports Haaga-Helia’s strategy and values.
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Haaga-Helia reserves the right to use content published on e-Signals for information, marketing and publishing purposes in all publishing platforms and services. Content may, for the purposes specified above, be transferred to a third party provided that there is no copyright infringement. The author may prohibit transfer of text to third parties.
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The author retains copyright and, if applicable, is responsible for clearing rights for use of any third-party material. The author shall ensure that the content does not contain any third-party material whose publication would constitute a copyright infringement. Copyright will apply whether there is a copyright notice or not.
Haaga-Helia reserves the right to revise and update these terms and conditions as it deems necessary.
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