
Dear teacher, wait a minute, please premium
Language is a very complex hierarchical system. Ferdinand de Saussure compared language to the rules of chess. The speech (parole) in his comparison is similar to how the player chooses the moves of the chess pieces in the game. But speech itself doesn’t have that much direct impact on our working environment, but concrete body […]
Making three parties happy in a software project course premium
At Haaga-Helia UAS we run several software project courses, where software engineering students build software for real clients. In autumn 2017, we started a school project for building mobile learning applications for two Finnish education technology companies, Viope and Promentor Solutions. The goal was to help them expand their operations to Brazil and possibly to […]
Learning through mind and body premium
Imagine you are walking outdoors. It´s bitterly cold, and there’s a fierce storming with hard rain blowing straight into your face. You can see and hear it, but the experience is most acutely felt on your skin. Our skin and the whole body have this most amazing memory. Every single experience builds up in the […]
In search of the lost cat premium
The President of the Finnish Trade Union of Education Mr Olli Luukkainen (blog post 2.10.2017) is one of the many people who have expressed concerns about the Finnish school producing every year around 6000 young persons who are unable to read well enough in order to manage in their everyday life. Do these difficulties that […]
Better learning through relevant work experience?: Preliminary results premium
AUTHORS: Juhani Saari; Liisa Vanhanen-Nuutinen; Kimmo Mäki; Hannu Kotila AT: Eapril 2016 Proceedings, 2017. Online Access>>
Learning with companies (LeWiCo) through the use of Facebook in the context of vocational hospitality education premium
AUTHOR: Isacsson, Annica AT: Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Linköping University Electronic Press, 2016. Online Access>>
Student empowerment in project-based learning: a case from Haaga-Helia and Stenden Universities premium
AUTHORS: Wallenius, Liisa; Berazhny, Ivan; Hietbrink, Joelle; Huisman, Julia AT: Conference Proceedings, Leading Passion: Motivation and work in the post-industrial era research conference, April 19 – 20, 2016, Haaga-Helia Publications, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, 2016. Online Access>>
Science spots AR: a platform for science learning games with augmented reality premium
AUTHORS: Laine, Teemu H.; Nygren, Eeva; Dirin, Amir; Suk, Hae-Jung AT: Educational Technology Research and Development, Volume 64, Issue 3, Springer, 2016. Online Access>>  
Experiental learning with multisensory and digital elements premium
AUTHORS:  Konttinen, Annika; Moilanen, Niina AT: Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, Vol 4, No 1, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, 2015. Online Access>>
Drama as a learning method to develop innovation competence premium
AUTHORS: Vuori, Johanna; Suonpää, Maija AT: Conference Proceedings/Konferenssijulkaisu, Enterprise Education Conference/Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät, Pori, Finland, 24.-25.9.2015, University of Turku, 2015. Online Access>>
Applying doctoral studies and research on entrepreneurship to teachers’ work at HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences premium
AUTHOR: Römer-Paakkanen, Tarja AT: Developing, Shaping and Growing Entrepreneurship, European Research in Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, 2015. Online Access>>
Inquiry learning in tourism: Haaga-Helia Porvoo Campus premium
AUTHOR: Ritalahti, Jarmo AT: Tourism Social Science Series, Emerald, 2015. Online Access>>