
Student motivation in inquiry learning: lessons from a service design project premium
AUTHOR: Birkle, Monika AT: Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. Online Access>>
International perspectives on destination management and tourist experiences premium
AUTHORS: Ritalahti, Jarmo; Lück, Michael; Scherer, Alexander AT: PL Academic Research, 2016. Online Access>>
The challenges of destination branding: a case study of Helsinki premium
AUTHOR: Holmberg, Eva; Lindroth, Kaija AT: The Social Side of Tourism: The Interface between Tourism, Society, and the Environment, PL Academic Research, 2015. Online Access>>
Destination competitiveness as performance: a study of Åland’s competitiveness in the tourism market since 1995 premium
AUTHOR: Holmberg, Eva AT: International perspectives on destination management and tourist experiences, PL Academic Research, 2016. Online Access>>
National parks as experience spaces: an auto-etnographic study in two Finnish parks premium
AUTHORS: Holmberg, Eva; Ritalahti, Jarmo AT: International Perspectives on Destination Management and Tourist Experiences, PL Academic Research, 2016. Online Access>>
Foreword premium
AUTHORS: Ritalahti, Jarmo; Lück, Michael; Scherer, Alexander AT: International Perspectives on Destination Management and Tourist Experiences, PL Academic Research, 2016. Online Access>>
The hotel of tomorrow: a service design approach premium
AUTHORS: Ascencao, Mario Passos, Tuominen, Pasi AT: Journal of Vacation Marketing, Sage, 2016. Online Access>>
Economic impacts of tourism in Eastern Uusimaa, Finland premium
AUTHORS: Ritalahti, Jarmo; Lindroth, Kaija AT: The Social Side of Tourism: The Interface between Tourism, Society, and the Environment, PL Academic Research, 2015. Online Access>>
Wellness tourism premium
AUTHOR: Ascencao, Mario Passos AT: The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism, CABI, 2015. Online Access>>
Inquiry learning in tourism: Haaga-Helia Porvoo Campus premium
AUTHOR: Ritalahti, Jarmo AT: Tourism Social Science Series, Emerald, 2015. Online Access>>
Sustainable marketing premium
AUTHOR: Ascencao, Mario Passos AT: The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism, CABI, 2015. Online Access>>
Tourism education as a way to create value for the industry: An example from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences premium
AUTHORS: Kostov, Alexandre; Berazhny, Ivan AT: Conference Proceedings, The Future of Education, 5th edition, Florence, Italy, 11-12 June, 2015, Pixel/, 2015. Online Access>>